Martin Duff11 October 2024Lynda was great to deal with. Our bags were delivered promptly and we were provided tracking details from the factory to our house. One of the trolly spare parts was delivered with a slight crack, Lynda responded quickly and a replacement part was delivered within a week. This had no bearing on the bags delivered as this was a spare part. The quality of the bags and trolly is excellent. We can’t wait for our trip soon to be able to use them. Martin & Kerrie DuffHydro Gaming763 September 2024When it comes to tenacity, Lynda stands out with a remarkable drive I've rarely seen. Her passion and focus on achieving her goals are truly inspiring. Having faced the challenges of living with disabilities from a young age myself, Lynda and I deeply understand the daily obstacles of performing even the simplest tasks. We recognise the significant impact that high-quality technology, well-designed equipment, and thoughtful solutions can have on mobility and everyday achievements. Lynda is committed to finding any product that can improve your daily life, even if it means extensive research across continents. Her dedication to helping others comes from a place of personal experience, which makes her exceptionally empathetic and motivated. I have no doubt that she will bring this same energy and determination to her customers, always going the extra mile to ensure they receive the best possible support and solutions.Elizabeth Horton11 February 2024Fantastic Service! Extremely knowledgeable, approachable. Should be a 100 star rating. Will definitely be a return customer and recommend to all.